Social Strategy Builder
Build the strategy and implement it straight away
Engage and empower your team with new skills
Transform the way you work
Get results
With straight talk and a sprinkling of humour, I will guide you through my system, step by step, so that creating your strategy feels easy and uncomplicated.

“I can’t recommend Pippa highly enough. She walked us through this strategy and mentored us all the way. We couldn’t have done it without her.”
Magrath Sheldrick LLP
Who is Social Strategy Builder for?
Social Strategy Builder is ideal for the leaders and marketers of small- to medium-sized Professional Services and B2B firms, who want to tap into the huge benefits of social media:
Grow your audience
Build trust through human connection
Demonstrate credibility
Show how you’re different to the competition and why people should choose you
Stay relevant so you’re front of mind when prospects are ready to buy
Generate leads for BD
Build a powerful employer brand to attract the top talent
Nurture employee advocacy to accelerate results
How does Social Strategy Builder work?
I’m not going to ask you for a brief, and then create a strategy for you in isolation. In my experience, social media marketing strategy is not something that can be created by an outsider kept at arm’s length. The result is usually a document that’s not fully understood and is left high up on a dusty shelf, never to see the light of day again.
For true impact, your social media marketing strategy must be built and implemented as part of the fabric of the firm – lived and breathed by all and infiltrating and encapsulating all areas of business life.
That’s why we’ll co-create your strategy.
At each step…
I’ll bring the social media marketing and branding expertise, sharing the know-how, best practice and inspiration.
I’ll ask you the right questions, set you thought-provoking exercises, and provide the tools and templates you’ll need to create and capture your output.
Meanwhile, you’ll bring the knowledge and experience of what makes your firm special. Your goals and ambitions. Your history, culture and traditions. Everything you know about your clients and market. Your unique offering to them. Your people and their stories. Your ideas, beliefs and passions.
And together we’ll transform these things into your social media marketing strategy and action plan.

“It’s always abundantly clear that you take the time to really understand my business and its purpose.”
Mama Nourish
The benefits of Social Strategy Builder
You’ll have everything you need to grow your business on social media yourself:
Your social media marketing strategy connects with your wider business and marketing goals, audience and brand, creating a consistent story that turns a murky marketing picture into a crystal clear one.
You’ll be involved in building your strategy and therefore have complete ownership of it, possessing all the knowledge, skills and best practice that you need to implement it straight away.
You’ll have the passion, confidence and energy to excite and engage Leadership, stakeholders, and the wider team around it, creating a purposeful and powerful social media presence that you can all feel part of and proud of.
If you choose to outsource the day-to-day implementation of your strategy, you’ll have the mandate to brief a Social Media Manager and measure their performance/results against KPIs.
If you choose to manage the firm’s social media yourself then you’ll have a clear path forward, knowing exactly what to post, when, and having a plan for content creation.
Because you’ve built it, you’ll know how to evolve your strategy over time – useful, as social media changes FAST. Your audience, positioning, services, brand, people and resources might also evolve; your social media strategy will need to reflect that.
Social Strategy Builder | The 8-step System
You’ll get unlimited access to my proven 8-step system for building an intelligent and purposeful social media marketing strategy, plus all the resources and support you could possibly need for long term success. Here’s how we build:
Review and clarify business goals and marketing objectives. Set objectives and KPIs for social media marketing.
Reflect and Define
Why are we doing social media marketing and who are we trying to reach?
Paint a picture of the ideal client that you want to reach via social media.
Harness your brand magic and develop key marketing messages.
What will we talk about? Where and when will we reach our ideal client? How will we do it?
Create a unique content mission statement and strategy.
Brainstorm individual post ideas under each pillar in the content strategy.
Create a posting plan for your chosen platform(s) inserting your best post ideas.
Organise yourself for efficient and sustainable social media marketing.
How do we stay on track and grow our accounts?
Growth tactics and top tips for effective and efficient social media marketing.
Reflect and Define ✦ Design ✦ Accelerate
Everything you need to build, learn and grow with confidence.
The tools and resources provided make building your strategy quicker and easier, and they’ll enable you to implement your strategy straight away. Here is a small sample of what’s inside the programme:
How-to-guide for writing social media posts that engage and convert your ideal client.
100 ‘ready to go’ ideas for social media posts that will move your ideal client through the sales funnel.
Best practice growth tactics for every stage of your social media marketing journey.
Checklist of essential tools for effective and efficient social media marketing.
How-to-guide for conducting outbound engagement to grow your social media followers.
Quick guide to hashtags and how to use them for growth.
How-to-guide for repurposing content like a pro.
Checklist of ‘jobs to be done’ that build habits to accelerate and sustain your marketing.
Right by your side throughout
Social Strategy Builder includes 1 kick-off call and 8 mentoring calls with me at key stages in the strategy building process, and unlimited email support. This gives you:
Accountability: Our regular check-ins keep you moving forward. I also hold you accountable to your actions and commitments.
Consulting: I use my professional training, industry experience and external perspective to review, challenge and build on your outputs, making your strategy the best it can be.
Mentoring: I hold your hand, listen to your views and issues, find solutions and pass on as much knowledge as possible, so that you’re empowered to make choices confidently, and own and implement your strategy.
Done some of the work already?
Then mix and match the modules you need from the 8 listed above.

“The sounding board calls were SUPER useful. Pippa really got us!”
Kana Consult
Social Strategy Builder is for you if:
✔ You’re concerned that you’re currently winging it with social media, falling behind competitors and trust will gradually diminish.
✔ You know that strategy is the way to succeed and you like having a proven framework to work within.
✔ You’re a trusted, strategic thinker who takes the initiative and makes smart investments to advance the firm.
✔ You want to empower and upskill your team with modern digital skills, that are aligned to your business and marketing goals.
✔ You can commit time and energy to working with me.
Social Strategy Builder is not for you if:
✗ You’re already seeing results from Social Media and have a proven and successful way of working in place.
✗ You don’t see the value of strategy.
✗ You’d prefer to fully outsource the creation of your strategy and not be involved.
Any of them. Just because you’re a B2B firm, it doesn’t mean that you should necessarily limit your marketing to LinkedIn. We’ll cover platform choice as part of your strategy, but my system covers marketing on all the main social media platforms: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and Tik Tok.
No. Successful social media marketing isn’t actually all about having the biggest, boldest or best ideas. It’s more humble than that. Success in social media starts with exploration and understanding (of your goals, your audience, and what makes you different). And then it involves good communication, which typically relies on the aforementioned groundwork, a bit of empathy, and keeping it simple at all costs. And then really unsexy things like good planning, process, rigour, consistency, a bit of analysis. All of these things are included in Social Strategy Builder. You’ll get everything you need to succeed.
We go as fast or as slow as you like. Expect the whole programme to take around 3 months if you’re balancing it with a full-time job. You’ll need to put aside approximately 1 hour to 1 day to complete the homework set at each step of the system, depending on how much groundwork you have already done. You’ll also need to set aside 1 hour for each of our mentoring calls.
No. With your supervision and sign off at key stages, this could be delegated to a member of your team. This approach is particularly useful if you want to use my programme to train up a member of staff to manage your company’s social media marketing at the same time. And it’s a worthy investment of your time, because done well, the majority of the strategy work only needs to be done once (and then revisited periodically so it can evolve as your business changes).
No. Expect to invest in the region of £9000 for the full programme with all 8 steps. The price reflects the impact that having an intelligent and purposeful social media marketing strategy will have on your business, not to mention my professional experience, training and time – and making things super easy for you. Remember that you also get all the tools, resources, best practice and learning that you need to implement the strategy yourself. Investing in Social Strategy Builder is much more economic than hiring a full or part time Social Media Manager (and far less risky) or employing a permanent member of staff. If you’d like to take only certain modules, then I can give you a price on our introductory call.
No, but it does involve some deep thinking and you’ll need to set aside time and space for this. My system, support and way of working makes it really easy for you to build your strategy, and working in partnerships means we create your strategy in the most effective and efficient way possible.
Taking the time to do all the deep-thinking work and lay strong foundations up front saves you time and energy down the line and gives you confidence from the outset. You know where you’re heading. You know what you need to post and when. You know what’s in and what’s out. And when the next big shiny function is released on a social media platform you know instinctively whether it’s going to help you achieve your goals or not. And it enables you to be consistent over a long period of time; because how many times have you had a surge of activity on social media only to lose inspiration and momentum and give up on it?
In my experience, social media marketing strategy is not something that can be created by an outsider kept at arm’s length. The result is usually a document that’s not fully understood and is left high up on a dusty shelf, never to see the light of day again. You might also want to consider what’s involved with hiring a freelancer to create your strategy:
Relinquishing control
Sharing confidential and commercially sensitive info with an outsider
Them just not getting the history, traditions, what makes you special, and the way things are done in your firm
The risk of investing precious budget and not getting what you hoped for or expected
The niggling fear of not understanding the output or knowing how to implement the recommendations
The creeping suspicion as the project rolls on that it’ll get left high up on a dusty shelf never to see the light of day again
Wondering how on earth you cascade the strategy and engage and excite the team around it
If you want true impact, then your social media marketing strategy must be built and implemented as part of the fabric of the firm – lived and breathed by all and infiltrating and encapsulating all areas of business life. That’s why in my approach we co-create it.
Plus when you invest in Social Strategy Builder you’ll gain all the skills needed to implement your strategy yourself – straight away – so you become self-sufficient and it removes the need to hire a freelance Social Media Manager or permanent member of staff. That in itself could save you anything between £13k and £60k per year, respectively.
The bottom line is that if your firm is not investing in social media, it will be left behind. A study conducted by Sprout Social in 2021 found:
84% of executives expect their company’s use of social media for external communications to increase over the next three years
62% of consumers agree companies without a strong social media presence will not be able to succeed in the long run.
55% of executives expect their company’s social media marketing budgets will increase by more than 50% over the next three years
These days prospective customers or clients expect to be able to learn more about businesses on social media before they buy from them, to see a human face, to have an open dialogue with them, to see transparency. People are more likely to question the credentials of a business with no social media presence. Imagine the damage that’s doing to your reputation and the trust that you’ve worked so hard to accumulate.
And if you think that word of mouth is doing the job of social media for you, then you might be wise to think again about that strategy. Word of mouth might be free and require little to no effort on your part, but it puts your brand and reputation in other people’s hands. Not only are you unable to see or hear exactly what people are saying about your business, but you have no control of the narrative; no means of altering perceptions or responding to untruths.
Trust me, your competitors will be thanking you for every day you’re not doing any social media marketing. If they need further convincing, then contact me, and I will send you a mini business case that you email to them. -
Strategy is an important part of business because it’s proven to work. Setting clear goals and being steered by a well thought-out plan creates laser sharp focus for your day-to-day marketing activities. It moves your business towards its goals more efficiently and effectively, saving you time, effort and money. You can leave space in a plan for posting ‘on the hoof’, but in my experience, social media marketing without a strategy or even a basic plan typically leads to:
Posts that are introspective, without purpose, uninteresting and/or irrelevant to the audience. They talk to everyone and no one all at the same time.
A spray ‘n’ pray / on-off approach that confuses algorithms and leaves audiences feeling that you don’t care or they don’t matter.
Feelings of defeat and frustration when social media doesn’t yield results.
Social media taking up way too much time and energy in the week.
Diminished trust amongst your audience and risk of reputational damage.